One moment, a person can stumble upon a winning lottery ticket, strike a lucrative business deal, or inherit a fortune, catapulting them to unimaginable wealth. Conversely, a single unfortunate event, such as a stock market crash, a natural disaster, or a debilitating illness, can quickly wipe out a person’s savings, leaving them destitute. The uncertainty of chance events serves as a reminder that financial success is not solely determined by hard work and perseverance, but also by luck and timing.

Having said that, here is what some of the richest people in the world might look like if they were poor. This thread is inspired by a Hollywood movie of the same name: “Slumdog Millionaire”. Do you have a favorite?

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    Bill Gates

    Donald Trump

    Elon Musk


    Jeff Bezos

    Mark Zuckerberg

    Mukesh Ambani


    Warren Buffett